Utility Industry Solutions
Reduce Customer Complaints with Automated Billing
For years, Utility industry has remained relatively unchanged while other industries went through transformational changes for good. After decades of using the old methods and tools, new challenges are now forcing the industry to evolve. Growing consumer demand for affordable and reliable electricity, government regulations, need for grid modernization are some of the challenges grappling the utility industry.
These challenges can be solved through adopting the right processes and technologies that could enable Utility service providers to improve efficiency, reduce downtime, lower cost, minimize risks, and increase customer satisfaction.
What We Offer
We work with India’s leading Utilities companies, operating in Natural Gas and Electricity space. With years of experience of working with these companies, we understand the nuances of their operations and challenges well. Our team of experts work closely with our customers to suggest solutions that best suit their interest while also enabling value addition for their stakeholders.

Meter Reading Solution
Our Automated Meter ReadingApp/Meter Reading Software helps utilities companies to carry out - Meter Reading and Auditing smoothly by pulling out customer data from existing systems, reading collection from field, auditing of reading etc. and finally pushing all the collected data back into customer’s system for billing.
Salient Features
Geo-tagged image, capturing with agency name, reader name, location and timestamp embossed to fix accountability
Mobile app to support online and offline mode for meter reading activity to avoid dependency on network while on field
Case Studies – Meter Reading App/Meter Reading Software
Indraprastha Gas Limited
Meter Reading Appand Meter Reading Software for meter readers and web portal for admin to reduce the number of complaints due to wrong meter reading

Business Challenges
Revenue loss due to under-reporting by some meter readers
Delayed bill generation due to unavailability of meter readings on time
Manual process for Meter Reading leading to errors in allocation in each cycle
Dissatisfied Customers due to wrong meter readings
What We Did
Implemented a solution comprising mobile app for meter readers and web portal for admin and reading agency to read meters smoothly and carry out auditing without any major hassles
Introduced a comprehensive workflow that pulls customer data from SAP, reading collection from field, auditing of reading at agency and IGL level and finally pushes the data back to SAP system for billing
Captured geo-tagged images with agency name, reader name, location and timestamp embossed to fix accountability
Reduced customer complaints due to automated reading leading to improved customer satisfaction
Significant saving of time and cost being spent on handling complaints earlier
Increase in revenue due to correct meter reading and timely bill generation
Timely readings and real time view of the reading activities with daily progress report
No scope for frauds due to GPS location embossing along with meter reader details
Robust system handling more than 600,000 transactions per month

Our Technological Competency
Our technological expertise is our backbone of everything we do. We combine the power of technology with human creativity to provide a seamless and consistent user experience to our customers. We help you choose the right technology stack to accomplish your business goals. We’ve assisted startups, established leaders, and SMEs in exploring the right tech stack and staying ahead of the curve.
Browse at the technologies we employ to help you conquer the digital future.