Housepital Web & Mobile App
Housepital Details

Developing a user-centric web and mobile app for Housepital to assist with on-the-go medical care solutions.
Brief Summary
Triazine assisted Housepital in launching a seamless and easy-to-use web and mobile application to assist patients and medical caregivers into quality medical care with an on-the-go solution, improving response time and patient experiences.

About Housepital
Housepital India Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading names in home healthcare industry, known to deliver hospital-like healthcare services to our patients in the comfort of their home. Leveraging leading-edge technology served by highly-skilled medical professionals, Housepital focusses on delivering the best customer experience in every aspect. Their team follows international standards and protocols of medical care under the guidance of learned and experienced healthcare professionals to the comfort and convenience of their homes.
Making patient experiences effective with an easy-to-use navigation
Our team focussed towards building a seamless and convenient web and mobile app interface for target users while bundling all their innovative services effectively. The mockups designed kept in mind the end users and offered handy experiences.

How we solved the challenge of
developing a mobile-friendly solutions for the
Housepital is a known healthcare services provider in the field of bringing hospital-like medical care to patients at their homes. To offer personalized medical care solutions to every patient, Housepital wanted to develop a website, web app, and mobile application that could assist users into taking necessary actions and contact medical professionals in real-time. Due to the lack of a such a home care medical service providers in the country, the patients had no means to connect with healthcare practitioners for quality medical aid and hence struggled to receive the necessary treatment. Subsequently, with this web and mobile solution, Housepital wanted to expand the reach of its innovative medical solutions and unlock digitization prospects for itself.

Therefore, there was a need to develop an easy-to-navigate and use web and mobile application for Housepital and bring the finest medical support to the comfort of their homes.
Medical care at home solutions such as nursing care, physiotherapy & rehabilitation, elderly care, and mother & baby care.

Medical support at home solutions such as diagnostic test, vaccination and ambulance support with an eCommerce module integrated for medicine delivery

Consultation at home services like doctor consultation and dietician and nutritionist consultation and care packages

Equipment support at home for respiratory, cardiac, geriatric & mobility care, orthopedic and physio care, on rent

All these medical services were to be provided to patients through an interactive interface with superior loading speed and high performance.

Our Goal
The goal of this project was to navigate through the complexities of enhancing patient experiences and building an easy-to-use and access web and mobile application that makes quality medical care available to all. Our team at Triazine commenced this project with a vision to code a high performance and speed solution that transforms every aspect of Housepitals services into an effective patient-caregiver interaction.
Our team first translated all of Housepitals services into a blueprint to be used to prepare flow charts of their web and mobile application. We wanted to make sure that this solution incorporated all of the modern features as demanded by the users like voice command, easy search, multi-language support, and so on.
Our Process
Consulting and Conceptualisation
- done
Competitor research
- done
Current market positioning
- done
Ongoing trends and user behaviour study
- done
Interviewing users to understand their needs
- done
Developing a roadmap to be followed for web and mobile application needs

Web and Mobile App Design
- done
Wireframes development
- done
Journey mapping User flow

Web and Mobile App Development
- done
Web and mobile app development for patients
- done
Android app development
- done
Ensuring seamless performance across all devices and touchppints
- done
User testing
- done
Automated testing

- done
Deployment of app on PlayStore
- done
Checking web app Performance for browsers
- done
Post-launch maintenance and releases and upgrades

The Result
Although the web and mobile application solution in still in the early stages of launch, it is being leveraged by Housepitals, users, and other medical caregivers to accomplish their medical needs. Our mobile development team at Triazine is constantly working on innovating further to be released in other subsequent stages.
Improvement in response time by caregivers
Medical caregivers already registered on the web and mobile app
Registered patients on the application
Improvement in offering medical care and solutions by Housepitals to patients
Technology Stack
Backend Web Server
Operating System