Project Overview
We implemented a Comprehensive Solution Comprises Mobile App and Web Portal for Admin, Meter Reading Agency and Meter Readers. Solution is integrated with legacy SAP system to pull and push the data.
What Customer Faces
Significant revenue loss every year due to under-reporting by some meter readers, who are suspected of conniving with customers
Bill generation is delayed due to unavailability of meter reading on time as it was difficult to monitor meter reading activity conducted by meter readers in the field
Allocation of jobs to meter reading agencies and meter readers was a manual process leading errors in allocation in each cycle
Customer Complaints were big in numbers due to wrong meter reading – higher as well as lower than the actual
What We Did?
Implemented a solution comprising mobile app for meter readers and web portal for admin and reading agency to carry out smooth operation of meter reading and audit.
Comprehensive workflow starting from pulling customer data from SAP, reading collection in field, auditing of reading at agency and IGL level and finally pushing the data back to SAP system for billing.
Capturing geo-tagged images having agency name, reader name, location and timestamp embossed to fix accountability.
Mobile app is developedto support online and offline mode for meter reading activity to avoid dependency on network while on field
Meter reading audit includes approval and resending of collected readings.
Generation of various MIS reports.
Automation helped increased productivity and proper monitoring
- done
Significant decrease in number of complaints improved customer satisfaction eventually saving time and cost needed to handle complaints.
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Automating the process helped IGL to manage and control the reading activities and identifying many other issues that caused estimated or incorrect billing.
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Huge increase in revenue due to correct meter reading and timely bill generation.
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Real time view of the reading activities and daily progress report helped IGL to ensure reading collection within stipulated timeframe.
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Real time view of the reading activities and daily progress report helped IGL to ensure reading collection within stipulated timeframe.
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Robust system handling more than 600,000 transactions per month

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Our technological expertise is our backbone of everything we do. We combine the power of technology with human creativity to provide a seamless and consistent user experience to our customers. We help you choose the right technology stack to accomplish your business goals. We’ve assisted startups, established leaders, and SMEs in exploring the right tech stack and staying ahead of the curve.
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